
Mental Health Care Advocacy – Independent and Assisted Living

House Calls Total Wellness, We Come to You, Online help, Our Team provides all types of counseling


Highly trained professionals
to Advocate on Your Behalf


Navigating the System for You:
Collaborate with Providers


House Calls Total Wellness can provide you or your loved one the advocacy they need for navigating the mental and medical health systems.

  • Highly trained professionals assist adolescents, adults, couples, etc. to manage life challenges such as mental health/depression, isolation, education/career advocacy, relationship and family issues in the home setting.
  • What is advocacy?
    An advocate is someone who will ask the right questions  and speak for you so you are properly taken care of and get the care and resources you need - leaving you with a feeling of relief that you have a professional in your corner.
  • An advocate will defend you and your rights.
  • An advocate will make it known what your views and wishes are when decisions are being made about you.

The team at House Calls Total Wellness has the ability to act on behalf of guardians, trust lawyers; doctors, & home care agencies.

  • House Calls Total Wellness offers specialized training to Home Health Aides
  • House Calls Total Wellness offers Continuing Education Workshops
  • House Calls Total Wellness collaborates with Assisted Living and Long Term Care facilities by mediating with families and individuals resistant to moving from their home
  • House Calls Total Wellness offers ongoing Counseling & Support to residents in Assisted Living and Long Term Care facilities which includes families having difficulty adapting

The House Calls Total Wellness's team are the eyes and ears to monitor their client in the home setting; accompanying them to appointments; help their client organize their home, files, routine in general or represent the provide by attending provider update meetings with the client for action planning.

We provide CEU training on a variety of topics such as active listening, creating a leisure identity, family in crisis, positivity;

The House Calls Total Wellness team provides mindfulness and acts on behalf of families at assisted living facilities; apartments; group homes to monitor or counsel their family member and ensure they are getting their needs met and that there is no issue that needs to be addressed.

Our team works with home care agencies to train the aides in active listening and then act as partners in implementing their care.

Baby Boomers oftentimes have difficulty deciding whether to transition their loved one so our team works with agencies to convince the family that transition is a good decision.

Alexis McKenzie

Alexis McKenzie - "Visiting Angels" Radio Interview
*Our satellite office in Rehoboth if you are a retiree or in need.

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